Sandra Servia
Senior Research Associate at University of Cambridge
Postdoctoral Associate of Jesus College

Senior Research Associate at University of Cambridge
Postdoctoral Associate of Jesus College
I am a Senior Research Associate in the Systems Research Group (SRG) of the University of Cambridge and a Postdoctoral Associate of Jesus College. I work with Prof Cecilia Mascolo on exploring the use of mobile sensing to deliver mental healthcare. My research interests span data mining, applied machine learning, privacy-preserving analytics and its intersection with mobile sensing and mobile health.
Before joining SRG, I held Research Associate positions in Queen Mary University of London, HP Labs (Bristol) and University of Cambridge (SRG). I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Vigo (Spain) in 2015 and received the Telecommunications Engineer degree and master in Telematics Engineering from the same university in 2011 and 2012 respectively. From May to September 2013 I was a visiting research student in the SRG group of the University of Cambridge, and from April to August 2014 an intern in the former Social Computing Group of the HP Labs (Palo Alto, CA). You can find my full resume [here].
Sequence Multi-task Learning to Forecast Mental Wellbeing from Sparse Self-reported Data.
Spathis, D., Servia-Rodríguez, S., Farrahi, K., Mascolo, C., Rentfrow, P.J.
In the 25th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2019). Anchorage, Alaska, USA. August 2019
Passive mobile sensing and psychological traits for large scale mood prediction.
Spathis, D., Servia-Rodríguez, S., Farrahi, K., Mascolo, C., Rentfrow, P.J.
In the 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth 2019). Trento, Italy. May 2019
Privacy-Preserving Personal Model Training.
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Wang, L., Zhao, J. R., Mortier, R., Haddadi, H.
In the 3rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI 2018). Orlando, Florida, USA. April 2018
Mobile sensing at the service of mental wellbeing: a large-scale longitudinal study.
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Rachuri, K., Mascolo, C., Rentfrow, P.J., Lathia, N., Sandstrom, G.
In the 26th World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2017). Computational Health Track. Perth, Australia. April 2017 --- Computer Lab Better Future Award 2018.
Identifying urban crowds using geo-located Social media data: a Twitter experiment in New York City.
Ben Kalifa, M., Díaz Redondo, R. P. , Fernández Vilas, A., Servia-Rodríguez, S.
In Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. doi:10.1007/s10844-016-0411-x. (2016)
The evolution of your success lies at the centre of your co-authorship network.
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Noulas, A., Mascolo, C., Fernández-Vilas, A., Díaz-Redondo, R.P.
In PLOS ONE 10(3): e0114302. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114302. (2015)
Deciding what to display: maximizing the information value of social media.
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Huberman, B. A., Asur S.
In Workshop on Modeling and Mining Temporal Interactions (M2TI) at ICWSM’15. Oxford, UK. May 2015
Are tweets biased by audience? An analysis from the view of topic diversity.
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Díaz-Redondo, R.P., Fernández-Vilas, A.
In International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction (SBP15). Washington D.C., USA. April 2015
A tie strength based model to socially-enhance applications and its enabling implementation: mySocialSphere.
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Díaz-Redondo, R.P., Fernández-Vilas, A., Blanco-Fernández, Y., Pazos-Arias, J.J.
In Expert Systems With Applications, 41(5), 2582-2594. (2014)
The evolution of your success lies in the centre of your co-authorship network.
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Noulas, A., Mascolo, C., Fernández-Vilas, A., Díaz-Redondo, R.P.
In Quantifying Success (2.0) –co-located with ECCS’14. Lucca, Italy. September 2014 --- Contributed talk
IPTV Parental control: a collaborative model for the Social Web.
Fernández-Vilas, A., Díaz-Redondo, R. P., Servia-Rodríguez, S.
In Information Systems Frontiers, 1-16. (2014)
Inferring Contexts from Facebook Interactions: a Social Publicity Scenario.
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Fernández-Vilas, A., Díaz-Redondo, R. P., Pazos-Arias, J. J.
In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 15(6), 1296-1303. (2013)
Mining Facebook Activity to Discover Social Ties: Towards a Social-Sensitive Ecosystem.
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Fernández-Vilas, A., Díaz-Redondo, R. P., Pazos-Arias, J. J.
In Cloud Computing and Services Science. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 367, 71-85, Springer. (2013)
Comparing tag clustering algorithms for mining Twitter users’ interests.
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Fernández-Vilas, A., Díaz-Redondo, R. P., Pazos-Arias, J. J.
In ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (socialCom). Washington D.C., USA. September 2013
A Social P2P Approach for Personal Knowledge Management in the Cloud.
Díaz-Redondo, R. P., Fernández-Vilas, A., Servia-Rodríguez, S., Pazos-Arias, J. J.
In 1st International Workshop on Socially Intelligent Computing (SINCOM 2012). Rome, Italy. September 2012
Using Facebook activity to infer social ties.
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Díaz-Redondo, R. P., Fernández-Vilas, A., Pazos-Arias, J. J.
In 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER). Porto, Portugal. April 2012
Inferring Ties for Social-aware Ambient Intelligence: the Facebook Case.
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Fernández-Vilas, A., Díaz-Redondo, R. P., Pazos-Arias, J. J.
In 3rd International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAmI). Salamanca, Spain. March 2012
Semantics-Driven Recommendation of Coupons Through Digital TV: Exploiting Synergies with Social Networks.
Martín-Vicente, M. I., Gil-Solla, A., Ramos-Cabrer, M., Blanco-Fernández, Y., Servia-Rodríguez, S.
In International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). Las Vegas, USA. January 2012
A Virtualization Layer for Mobile Consumer Devices to Support Demanding Communication Services in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks.
Bravo-Torres, J. F., López-Nores, M., Blanco-Fernández, Y., Servia-Rodríguez, S., García-Duque, J.
In International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). Las Vegas, USA. January 2012 --- Special Merit Award for Outstanding Paper.
Social Data Mining Strategies for User modelling with Personalisation purposes.
Sandra Servia-Rodríguez. Thesis Supervisors: Dr Ana Fernández-Vilas and Dr Rebeca P. Díaz-Redondo.
Department of Telematics Engineering. University of Vigo. July 2015 [PDF]
Centre for Mobile, Wearable Systems and Augmented Intelligence (2018-2023)
Financial backer: Nokia Bell-Labs
Project manager: Prof Cecilia Mascolo and Dr Alastair Beresford (University of Cambridge)
Mobile Sensing based App for home-based Testing of memory in People at risk of Alzheimer’s disease (MAP-PAD) (2018)
Financial backer: MRC Confidence in Concept call
Project manager: Prof Cecilia Mascolo (University of Cambridge)
Early Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostics Through Outdoor Navigation Sensing (2017)
Financial backer: The Alan Turing Institute (seed funding)
Project manager: Prof Cecilia Mascolo (University of Cambridge)
Databox: Privacy-Aware Infrastructure for Managing Personal Data (2016-2019)
Financial backer: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
Project manager: Dr Hamed Haddadi (QMUL)
Partners: University of Cambridge, Queen Mary University of London and University of Nottingham
Emotion Sense Project (2015-2016)
Financial backer: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through the EPSRC Projects CambridgeSens and UBHAVE
Project manager (UBHAVE): Prof Cecilia Mascolo (University of Cambridge)
Partners (UBHAVE): University of Cambridge, University of Southampton, UCL, University of St. Andrews, University of Oxford
INRISCO and EMRISCO: INcident monitoring and EMergence Response In Smart Communities (2014-2015)
Financial backer: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Project manager: Dr Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo (UVigo)
Partners: UPC, UC3M, UVigo and Gradiant
CLOUDIA: Social ecosystem for the ubiquitous and personalized provision of services in the Cloud (2010-2013)
Financial backer: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Project manager: Dr Ana Fernández Vilas (UVigo)
GreenIT for the benefit of civil society (2012-2015)
Financial backer: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Project coordinator: Dr Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo (UVigo)
SITAR: Sistema integral de atención de reclamaciones (2014) --- industrial project
Financial backer: Unión Fenosa Distribución
Project coordinator: Dr Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo (UVigo)
In the current academic year (2018-2019), I am a lecturer in the MPhil course Advanced topics in mobile and sensor systems and data modelling (main lecturer Prof Cecilia Mascolo). I will also supervise the Part II course Mobile and Sensor Systems in Lent.
In the academic year 2017-2018, I supervised the Part II course Mobile and Sensor Systems. I also supervised one Part II dissertation and co-supervised one MPhil dissertation.
I taught the following courses in the Degree on Engineering and Telecommunication Technologies of the University of Vigo (Spain). I also supervised 2 Bachelor's and 2 Master's thesis in the academic years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.
Programming II (2014-2015, 2013-2014). The general aim of this subject was to provide the students with the theoretical foundations and the practical competitions that allow them to analyse, design, develop and debug computer applications following the paradigm of oriented objects programming (OOP).
Computer Architecture (2013-2014). The aim of this course was to provide students with an understanding of basic computer operation by studying the lower abstraction levels (over the electronic level).